By cAtaLanbLoOd - 24/10/2013 06:06 - France - Perpignan

Today, a homeless guy asked me for a cigarette. Knowing that I only had a couple left in my pack, I gave it to him. He opened it, took one out and thanked me profusely. A bit surprised, I went on my way. Oh yes, that's right, the pack contained the money I'd withdrawn from an ATM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 387
You deserved it 319

Top comments

Thank you too. He probably never thought that smoking would help him out so much.


karma. what goes around, comes around. something good will happen to you one day.

graceinsheepwear 33

I don't think an unintended and regretted action counts in accruing positive karma.

missbitch1993 7

I will agree with half the comments, that does suck that you accidentally gave your money to him, but at least you made his day. That was a good deed on your part and you'll have good karma coming your way :)

You're a dumbass for putting the money their in the first place.

ViviMage 38

Use a money clip! And quit smoking, its costing you money!

" Oh yes, that's right, the pack contained the money I'd withdrawn from an ATM." Because that's exactly what I was thinking.

I said YDI because smoking is stupid, as is using a cigarette pack as a makeshift wallet. Sorry it happened,though.

mintypoison 22

As someobe who works retail and handles money all day, that's freaking gross to hold your cash in with your cigarettes. But I wouldn't see that as a terrible thing, instead a happy accident. You made someone's day who is much less fortunate. c:

Ins0mau 20

92 - That's the point. Why would you put money beside something you were gonna stick in your mouth?

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Don't be mad about it god let's things happen for a reason. Maybe the Bunn needed it more.

Please, -please- don't use the religious reasoning...

accidentally giving someome your money is not a small thing. we dont know how much money it was. good for homeless guy, bad for op

mooseantlers 1

why would you ever put money in a pack of smokes that was almost done? darwin's exceptions..