By cAtaLanbLoOd - 24/10/2013 06:06 - France - Perpignan

Today, a homeless guy asked me for a cigarette. Knowing that I only had a couple left in my pack, I gave it to him. He opened it, took one out and thanked me profusely. A bit surprised, I went on my way. Oh yes, that's right, the pack contained the money I'd withdrawn from an ATM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 387
You deserved it 319

Top comments

Thank you too. He probably never thought that smoking would help him out so much.


Maybe that's a sign you should save your money & quit smoking because it's a disgusting habit (:

squideth 18

Do you feel superior kiddo? We all have "disgusting" habits, no matter how much you tell yourself that you're better than other people (:

incoherentrmblr 21

"What do you mean I don't pay my bills? Why do you think I'm broke... Huh?!" - Peace Sells - Megadeth

It's not about the money it's about sending a message! :D

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Why don't you put your money in your wallet?

Oh well, at least you helped the guy out. Just hope he doesn't waste the money.

Mr_Mole 24

You deserve it just for smoking.

why don't u keep the money in ur ******* purse..!!

Frostie13 11

sorry op but if you had a urge to give him the rest of the pack then it must have been gods way of helping both of you out, him buy necessities or you quoting smoking

you made his day and got some karma smile like he did lol

maggiefox 25

He probably is going to spend it better than you would OP.