By Anonymous - 22/08/2011 19:35 - United States

Today, a hooker refused my custom. According to her, "Even whores have standards." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 619
You deserved it 46 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give her some more money then. Bitches love money.

The way this FML is written it's so formal can you imagine how he would go up to her! "Excuse me miss, I would like to purchase your services in sexual pleasure."


JamieRae00 0

If you want pussy try to go to the mall an get a pocket pussy tgat was theres no rules no bitchin an do it a long as you want annn you dot have to worrie about dieses.!!

mic203 2

hang thyself kid,i mean u below hooker standards?a lot of people have died for less...wait,i think this is how rapist are made.

mic203 2

hang thyself kid,i mean u below hooker standards?a lot of people have died for less...wait,i think this is how rapist are made.

Of course she was scared of your ugliness.

bipolarbaby 0

Being turned down by a prostitute...maybe he's joey bonaducci?

@tennisrapper1 street prostitution is illegal no matter where you are, and the closer to Reno you live in Nevada the less likely it's legal. All of the ***** houses are on the outskirts of the state because they can't legally be in city limits

You know your a sick sick little puppy when...

conniejoy529 10

i'm not very familiar with prostitutes but i can only imagine that you said or did or wanted her to do something terrible. If someone is desperate enough to prostitute themselves i highly doubt they would turn down a customer based on appearances. If they were that selective they probably wouldn't get much business. If you go by the assumption that most good looking guys don't need to pay for sex, then you would think that a large part of their clientele would be in say way considered unattractive.