By Anonymous - 22/08/2011 19:35 - United States

Today, a hooker refused my custom. According to her, "Even whores have standards." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 619
You deserved it 46 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give her some more money then. Bitches love money.

The way this FML is written it's so formal can you imagine how he would go up to her! "Excuse me miss, I would like to purchase your services in sexual pleasure."


Go uglier next time... Maybe partially blind lol

Hookers are disgusting. They got all kinds of diseases.

daniellestatt 0

time to bring out Miss Blowupdoll if Mr.41yearoldvirgin still cant get laid

BumbleRoo 0

I don't want to say anything cause it would be too mean

I didnt know they truly had a choice .. Wheree was her pimp ?! Rofl FYL !

good41thing198 7

So many clueless replies, so little time... From experience (2 marriages, 2 divorces, dozens of GFs before, during, and after), I can assure you that a good quality hooker is the best value. And to quote the great philosopher, "you're not paying them for sex, you're paying them to leave when you're done."