By "people these days" - 19/07/2013 20:36 - United States - Fairfax

Today, a kid was ranting that "people these days are so rude" and that "things were much better in the '50s." Annoyed, I asked the delusional twat what was so great about the racial segregation, rampant sexism, homophobia, and all the rest back then. He responded by punching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 960
You deserved it 15 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was just an immature child who couldn't admit he was wrong. All the same, argument won.

Varieus 30

It was much much worst back then, than it is now. The stuff today is 100x better in comparison.


graceinsheepwear 33

32, I think the point is that OP got punched for expressing an opinion.

graceinsheepwear 33

I think it's strange that two thirds of the comments are debating the values of then and now and overlooking the point that OP was punched for expressing an opinion.

1jordan1 11

That is true, it's completely unfair for him to have been punched and that guy kind of shot a hole through the point he was trying to make.

So a "kid" points out that manners were better in the 50's and you respond by spouting off about race relations and other heavy adult situations that he made no mention of? I hope it hurt.

NagainaFier 16

I highly doubt OP was talking about that stuff to a ten year old. Depending on his age, a 'kid' to OP could be anywhere from late teens to very early twenties.

Oh no. Someone with a different opinion to you. Quick, better respond by calling them a twat. That'll show em!

graceinsheepwear 33

To be fair, when OP wrote the fml, they had already been punched, so any charity as far as terms was probably punched out of them.

Iwannarock1 19

why did you go straight to the race card? I want to punch you too!

No no, F HIS life, because that's when you call the cops and press charges. That's assault.

Just because he referred to the 1950s doesn't mean he endorses any kind of segregation. Why would you just assume something like that and open your big mouth? You had it coming...

Epikouros 31

Well, the kid proved his own statement, didn't he?

What's so great about this generation? What do we have? A bunch of skinny jean wearin momma boys who are ruining the morals and values of an entire nation for the sake of there "feelings." Man up and take the punch like a bitch like u r and get on with life.