By "people these days" - 19/07/2013 20:36 - United States - Fairfax

Today, a kid was ranting that "people these days are so rude" and that "things were much better in the '50s." Annoyed, I asked the delusional twat what was so great about the racial segregation, rampant sexism, homophobia, and all the rest back then. He responded by punching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 960
You deserved it 15 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was just an immature child who couldn't admit he was wrong. All the same, argument won.

Varieus 30

It was much much worst back then, than it is now. The stuff today is 100x better in comparison.


The 50s was great, and I also wish I was 17-21 during the early 50s. What's wrong with that?

ZombieKitteh 8

And that was the end of it? You don't have to let people punch you. You can hit them back. That way it's called a fight and not acting like a little bitch.

the only thing we dont have now is segregation...

Is anyone else sitting here thinking "What the hell would that kid know about the 50's?"

i see you are from the states? what have changed there since the 50's? a white man can still shoot a black person and go free. Gays can't even marry in most states? you are still thinking usa are the law and order of the world, and going to war with other contries. spying on innocent people like under the cold war. you are still killing people in prisons. so what changed from the 50s till now?

graceinsheepwear 33

As an American born in the 50s, I can tell you that the culture has changed significantly.

NagainaFier 16

I can tell you're referencing the Zimmerman trial, but fun fact, Zimmerman was Mexican, not white. The media either ran their mouth before they knew his race, or out right lied, to try and make a better story by working everyone up via using racial tensions to their advantage, solely to boost their ratings. Assholes. (I'm keeping my personal opinion about that case out of it, because mine does not matter. Just stating a fact about the case, not heresy.) Also, much like way back when, when rights for minorities were still struggling to become law, gay marriage and rights in general is slowly, SLOWLY finding their place in the US government. I wish the process would speed up, but we ARE making progress.

wanderingshopper 13

Racial segregation is still happening today. Sex is so popular now that its encouraged with show like pregnant and dating and teen mom. Homophobia is as prevaliant now as it was in the 50's the difference being people are more willing to speak out. The major difference between now and the 50's? Children actually had respect for their parents. Guys knew how to pull their pants up above their butt cheeks. Common sense wasn't so scarce. People were willing to work for what they wanted. So yeah, I can see the appeal.

Hi, I wasn't born in the '50s, and I respect my parents, my boyfriend wears his pants above his ass, I work for what I want (although my parents do help me a lot, because they are generous people and they love me), and I would like to think I'm not a ******* idiot and I have common sense. It's not about this generation or that generation; it's about being brought up correctly, which my parents have done a wonderful job of with me and my brother. Thanks for generalizing, though.

I'm 17 and I agree with him. Kids today suck. Teens like us are the minority.

wanderingshopper 13

I'm super glad you were brought up right. It gives me a little hope. But unfortunately you are in the minority. :(

CallMeWindSock 24

How would he even know how stuff was in the 50's?

Everyone keeps saying that nothing has changed, but it really has. Nelson Mandela's birthday was recent and the world celebrated him for his achievement and courage. More and more women are becoming successful business women, just take Lord Sugar accomplice Karen for example. And lots of people are open about being gay, and this generation is really accepting of that, and we are all for gay rights. I know at least three people who are under 15 and openly gay. So for all you who are saying the world hasn't changed, you should open your eyes and realize the world is always changing. And for those who still aren't convinced, be the change you want to see, rather than complain about how bad the world is while you sit on your backside doing nothing about it.

Evil_Wench 16

Back then, people felt obliged to treat everyone with respect, but accepted no one who was different. Now, we're legally obliged to accept everyone, yet we respect no one. I wouldn't say that either option is the better one.

Wow... possibly the greatest analyses I've ever heard.

Who is to talk about, "How much better it was back then?" He probably just read about the 50's and thinks he lived during that time.