By "people these days" - 19/07/2013 20:36 - United States - Fairfax

Today, a kid was ranting that "people these days are so rude" and that "things were much better in the '50s." Annoyed, I asked the delusional twat what was so great about the racial segregation, rampant sexism, homophobia, and all the rest back then. He responded by punching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 960
You deserved it 15 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was just an immature child who couldn't admit he was wrong. All the same, argument won.

Varieus 30

It was much much worst back then, than it is now. The stuff today is 100x better in comparison.


Simoneaux17 11

People were generally nicer back then, AND had more respect for people.

clue_me_in 20

If the "kid" really was a "kid", then how would he know what it was REALLY like back then? Yeah, anyone female, non-white, or different in any way got TONS of respect. Wow.

Unfortunately, some things still suck today. There is still rampant sexism, homophobia and even racial segregation (in some parts of the world) besides other things. But things are better if we compare to what they were in the 50's. OP is right, and the other guy is very immature.

I have to admit that may have sucked but the manner in which most ppl felt with each other was mostly better and a bit more civil, and they did make good music and movies!

You're great. It's dangerous to romanticize the past. Now put a raw steak on that bruise.

The music was a hell of a lot better in the 50s. Society... meh, not so much.