By Anonymous - 10/04/2011 06:05 - United States

Today, a stoned man tried to break into my house. Naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 294
You deserved it 4 524

Same thing different taste


oh little bubba, he's doin it again? age that's nah boy

Anonymouser81 0

I need tbat to happen to me with it being a woman. I'd show 'er giggity giggity

makayla_roxx 2

O.o whats so weird about that? it happens all the time to me...

4Lonely2Stoner0 0

he obviously on something else stoned people wouldnt try to do that

bakapyon 0

did u beat the crap out of him?

I doubt he was stoned. maybe all tweaked out