By Anonymous - 28/02/2010 11:16 - Canada

Today, a wild squirrel managed to get into my house. I can't see him… but I can hear him in the walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 150
You deserved it 2 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments


rohosoccer08 1

wow my friend just put a post on facebook about how a squirrel was running through the walls of her house all night... weird!

perdix 29

If he's crazy enough to run in between your walls, he's probably got rabies. You'll be OK as long as he doesn't chew through the drywall and come for you. If he does, then certain death awaits! With nasty, pointy teeth! (Did you soil yourself, Brave_Sir_Robin?)

it doesn't really need to be 'FML worthy' if it is funny, or messed up enough for the moderators to except it. so doesn't it mean it's worthy if you are reading it on the FML app! um kinda getting tired of hearing 'how is this Fml worthy WTF?'

Jiraiya72 0

As opposed to what? An un-wild squirrel?

chelseyD 0

ewww it's gonna smell bad when it dies

gooseneckk 0

That's no squirrel, it's the same demon from paranormal activity...

same thing happend to me with a cat it was on the front porch and as i was leaving it ran in while the door was open bit it gets worse it scrached up my great grandmothers coffee table...