By NotThePotty - 19/10/2015 10:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, according to daycare, my son is behind in his potty training curriculum because we are not "celebrating his natural bodily functions" enough. He turned 2 a week ago, and he peed on our bed last night because we're trying to meet this demand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 508
You deserved it 3 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him to celebrate his bodily functions all over his teacher

According to pediatrician Emmi Pikler 95% of all children manage to successfully use the toilet during the day by the time they turn three without forcing it onto them. The daycare needs to chill.


Not only that all children learn this at their own rate, but also being around and seeing the other children at the daycare will help towards this. Those daycare people need to get the sticks out of their butts , grow up, and change him until he learns on his own. Sounds like they're just pushing to not have to change as many diapers as possible.

Jaxima516 1

Don't let anyone try and pressure you into potty training. We tried unsuccessfully for a year to potty train our daughter, starting at age 2. I followed internet parenting advice, I begged, I bribed. One day, at age 3, she walked in from school, announced she had to poop, then proptly sat on the toilet and did so. We've never looked back. Your child will let you known when they're ready. Don't let anyone, especially a school, dictate that for you.

I wonder if it's part of a contract. Some day-cares in my area will take your at a young age with the understanding it has to be potty-trained by X age. And some won't take kids under a certain age because of the potty training issue.

better to be pissed off than pissed on... oh wait

SailorSolaris 43

I say tell them where they can shove it. Not only are they being unrealistic, every child grows and reaches different milestones at their own pace. To expect otherwise is simply being an asshole.

TaylorKopacz 13

I work at a daycare. potty training is not mandatory until 2 and 9 months. it's only suggested at 2 years old. please note that trying to potty train your child before he's ready is EXTREMELY dangerous. one parent at our work tried potty training their child before the child was ready and he now refuses to go near the bathroom.

oh Lord. they should know that each kid is different at learning these things than the next especially at this age! if I remember right 2 is a little young to even start potty training as well so kuddos to you for getting a jump start on it! what makes it more effective is a great vocabulary with the child and being able to remove their own clothing if not there will be a lot of accidents with lack of communication skills. the day care needs to back off and actually do their job by teaching when that parent is absent during the day care times.

His "teacher" is probably just mad bc she is too lazy to change diapers. It's normal for boys to wait a little longer to be potty trained. Don't stress about it.

MrZsDad 19

Potty training curriculum? YDI.