By NotThePotty - 19/10/2015 10:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, according to daycare, my son is behind in his potty training curriculum because we are not "celebrating his natural bodily functions" enough. He turned 2 a week ago, and he peed on our bed last night because we're trying to meet this demand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 506
You deserved it 3 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him to celebrate his bodily functions all over his teacher

According to pediatrician Emmi Pikler 95% of all children manage to successfully use the toilet during the day by the time they turn three without forcing it onto them. The daycare needs to chill.


Don't listen to them. Every child is different and learns things in their own time. Just keep doing what YOU think is best for YOUR child and you will raise a great kid!

the f*** what kind of day care does this? you shouldn't potty train your kids till they say they are ready or they are 3 1/2 years old. and yu should be potty training him not some tutors at a day care for all you know the kid is pee shy and dosent want any one to watch hime

potty training is easy get some cheap Popsicles and give him one when he goes potty. don't ask him if he has to go potty go potty yourself and announce proudly that you get a popsicle because you went potty. it works super quick.

Celebrate bodily functions.... Sounds like something a hippie would say

"Celebrating his natural bodily functions? " The hell are you supposed to do, cheer everytime he goes to the bathroom?

Whatever you choose to do, find some "Nature's Miracle" for your mattress and a waterproof mattress pass for the future. Accidents happen, and going with the flow (pass excuse the pun) is ultimately more productive than anxiety.

You deserve it for listening to some hippy bullshit curriculum that there needs to be a time in which your kid becomes potty trained, make your own decisions dont let idiots tell whats right and wrong

Ignoring the fact that the daycare is being stupid, whyTF wasn't LO in pull-ups?

My son didn't completely potty train until 4. Don't rush it. It is NOT worth the battle. If daycare is being a dick, find another daycare.