By brokenhearted - 18/02/2010 09:51 - United States

Today, after 25 years of marriage and 2 children, I was served with divorce papers. It turns out my 51 year old, soon to be ex, has been having an affair with the 24 year old tutor I hired to help our daughter bring her grades up. They are in love and want to start a new family together as soon as possible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 244
You deserved it 2 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

today's to do list: 1. hire hotshit divorce lawyer. 2. hire studly personal trainer 3. throw all his shit on to the front lawn.

The jokes on him if he thinks he can raise a child at the age of 51. He's obviously following his little head. And his girl friend is going to find out it won't be much fun when he loses half of all his money with the divorce.


Haha. I burst out laughing at the "in love" part. They're definitely in lust, but love remains to be seen, and I highly doubt it at that. Funnily enough, the only person likely to come out on top of this whole situation is you. It's improbable that their flame will last forever, your soon-to-be-ex won't get much out of the deal since he cheated (unless you did something marginally equivalent or worse in the past), and tutor chick has only managed to screw herself (quite literally) out of a good reputation.

Coccinelle_fml 15

Don't worry too much. My dad left my mom after 26 years of marriage; he was 50, she was 51. He got some 30year old he had been having an affair with preggers. Now he's cheating on her. Women who marry men they had affairs with are idiots.

casanovafrankens 0

That's creepy. You two had been married for a year when she was born. Anyway, he's not worth it etc etc.

Lucky him, he's getting some sweet young pussy ;p

rachexl 0

look on the bright side, maybe itll end up like american beauty bang bang

there's one 51 y/o that will wallow in grief for the rest of his life

do20ss 4

ur old, he's distinguished....u should've been smart enough to help ur kid not hire a lil hunny

Get the most cutthroat lawyer you can. Take "Playboy" to the cleaners. When she sees how poor he's going to be, she'll dump his ass and he'll come crawling back. Then you can laugh in his face.