By explodingpupppet - 30/09/2009 16:41 - United States

Today, after a month of searching, I found a perfect apartment which I rented out for the next few months. The rent was inexpensive and the place was close to my job. Turns out, my 'perfect' new apartment overlooks a nudist community. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 563
You deserved it 36 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude! whats not perfect about that? some people would pay extra!

That's not really a FML, unless you're a prude.


I would think that would be great considering now you don't have to worry about walking around in your apartment in the buff.

Win win situations like this don't happen often in life, your lucky rent, close to work... and free ****!!! wat more can u ask for?

nimrod23 0

If you want to swap apartments, call me!

Xx_f_us_all 0

hell yea lincolunit's right lol

victory25 0

LoL!!! Sounds like free entertainment. I would invite friends over!

Either: A - Shush and enjoy. What could be so bad about occasionally having nothing to do, so you can look out the window and play "I Spy" with some of your buddies and find the only one with a hat, or something. Really, I fail to see how this could be so bad. B - Buy blinds and drapes. If you're saving so much on rent, you can spend some of that extra income into buying something to cover up that eyesore of a colony, if you really feel that way about it. I prefer A.

jafar_fml 0

yeah stop complaining, you have a cheap place to live. if you dont wanna see whats going on outside, then dont look. close the curtains. and besides you could have your friends come over, get drunk and get a laugh out of it

Gruffy 0

My advice...learn to enjoy it... I would actually recommend joining in with the nudists, if for no other reason than to gain some understanding of the lifestyle before complaining about it, but also because it can be a vigorating and liberating experience. Try new things...variety is the spice of life.