By explodingpupppet - 30/09/2009 16:41 - United States

Today, after a month of searching, I found a perfect apartment which I rented out for the next few months. The rent was inexpensive and the place was close to my job. Turns out, my 'perfect' new apartment overlooks a nudist community. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 563
You deserved it 36 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude! whats not perfect about that? some people would pay extra!

That's not really a FML, unless you're a prude.


CaptainBlake 0

I'm assuming that you never traveled to the apartment before you rented it, so why during your "month" of research, didn't you check to see what was in the surrounding area, especially the immediate vicinity? Wow. You're an idiot.

zman0900 11

Start a website and sell pictures of them. I'm sure there are people out there somewhere who would get off to that and pay you.

RubixMonkey 0

You searched for a month but you didn't check out the neighborhood, you brought this on yourself.

She is from Texas, that says it right there.

You're kidding. You get a cheap place but complain because of nudists? Close the blinds. Problem solved.

Astronomical 0

I liked Texas when I visited.

welderchick87 0

Is it really that hard to go to Wal-Mart and get a pair of cheap curtains? Or stick a tall shelf or something infront of the window so you can't see out. OR...(haha) enjoy seeing your preferred sex nekkid. This is hardly a fml situation. A better one would have been something like what's going on in my life...which they won't f'in post, but they post this stupid thing....but anyways, let me explain.... *ahem* I've been laid off since April, they aren't bringing me back because they're sexist....but I can't prove it....I lost all my great benefits. I'm going broke because unemployment thinks they can pay me (or anybody) just enough so that they're barely getting by in life. I can't find a job. I don't have enough experience to get into most places around here...either that or they don't pay enough for me to live on. My cell phone bill is past due, and I can't get a payment plan set up for another 2 months...if I even can then. I have a credit card that I have some money to still pay off. I have fees to pay off for the online classes I'm taking.....hmmm, let's see, what else. Rent is coming up on the first, so that's bout 287$ (my half, including utilities) I'll lose, winter is also coming up so we'll need money to buy fuel to heat our house. I think I've made my point. There are people worse off than you just because you think living next to a nudist colony has ****** up your life. Thank you and have a nice day. :)

you look out the window? and there are naked people.... this is basically **** before the internet..

ivoteno 0

ah, well, everything has its quirks, right?