By lovehurts - 28/12/2009 20:41 - United States

Today, after breaking up with my girlfriend of two years over the phone, I got a knock on my door. It was my now ex-girlfriend who came to seek revenge by shooting me in the balls with a paintball gun at about a three-foot range. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 860
You deserved it 57 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

somepartsareme 0

Fake, you couldn't have balls, you broke up with her over the phone.

That's why you don't do it over the phone.


Haha that's awesome. and ur fault for breaking up w her over the phone. loser.

HeavySleeper 0

Damn you're a ******' pussy! You'd think after 2 years you'd have the courtasy to look her one last time in the eye. Grow a pair!!!

rv0111 3

ydi you should've broken up in person you spineless creep. and no she didn't shoot you in the balls as you obviously are waiting to grow a pair

scottybhoymad 0

Ouch sorry man that's hurt

iancomings 3

anybody that say YDI is a psyco bitch and a wast of air who deseves to die

Thats what you get for being a pussy! Only a coward breaks up w his gf over the phone.

lauralavenderbab 0

Wooooohoooooo That is amazing hahaha you gotta hand It to her that is pretty funny But sucks for u OP I hope you can still have kids someday