By lovehurts - 28/12/2009 20:41 - United States

Today, after breaking up with my girlfriend of two years over the phone, I got a knock on my door. It was my now ex-girlfriend who came to seek revenge by shooting me in the balls with a paintball gun at about a three-foot range. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 860
You deserved it 57 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

somepartsareme 0

Fake, you couldn't have balls, you broke up with her over the phone.

That's why you don't do it over the phone.


That can do a lot of damage, you should get yourself checked. Oh, then knock on her door and when she opens the door hit her on the crease between her shoulder and neck as hard as you can with a baseball bat, if you break her collarbone she should be feeling about the same amount of pain as someone shot point blank in the testicles with a paintball gun.

G_thelegend 0
bbobe900000 0

You 29000 ******* idiots. How the **** did he deserve this? Jesus christ... it's a ******* relationship. She should be in prison.

I also think breaking up with someone over the phone is shallow

jenjen1112 0

lovely- thats what u get for breaking up thru the phone pff what a scumbag

that sucks. though I think you could've been a bit more polite and not done it over the phone. unless she's totally crazy, she might not have done that, had you been more sensative.

couturegirl2 7

Hey douche. You don't break up with a girl over the phone. That just proves you obviously don't have the balls to do it in person...js

Scorch117 0

This **** has the intelligence to pull a trigger? Damn... I'd ******* kill her. OP, FYL,