By marquez_jasmine - 21/07/2012 15:08 - Canada - Kingston

Today, after feeling a little down about myself and looking for comfort from my boyfriend, he told me that my stretch marks make me look like a tiger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 481
You deserved it 3 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure why this offends you, tigers are bad ass.

maybe tigers are his favorite animal..?(:


OP its a pic on the internet, sayin stretch marks r ur tiger stripes that u earned. ive c n the facbook image alot a couple weeks ago. ur b/f was tryin to give u a compliment, chill out

Vaginabutter 15

There is absolutely no need to abbreviate the word "you" or "are"..

"OP, it's a picture on the internet, saying that stretch marks are your tiger stripes that you've earned. I've seen the Facebook image a lot a couple weeks ago. Your boyfriend was trying to give you a compliment; chill out". I think that's what they were trying to say.

Matty1188 6

Actually, it's fine to abbreviate them, if you use 'you're'.

dominic1221 6

That's a contraction, not an abbreviation.

not very tactful of least he tried!

Hahaha that's what my best friend always says when she tease me. :)

flutter4 7

My 2 year old told me my stretch marks look like a zebra

That's when you should of wacked him in the face with your tiger claws

I saw one of those annoying FB pictures saying that stretch marks make a lady like a tiger or something because it represents a hard time or something like that. Maybe he got it from that?

Seriously? She has stretch marks, it's a part of who she is. He didn't say anything negative about them. Question: how important do you think looks are in a relationship?

TriflingAllDay 6

Looks are not always overrated. It is what starts a good amount of relationships.

hahasooo 2

Hahahaha sorry, but that was a good one on ur boyfriends part.

I actually once asked a woman out BECAUSE she had stretch marks. She was a knock out too but her stretch marks made her more approachable, more attainable, harder to put on a pedestal like some perfect goddess. I actually came to like them quite a bit. Bottom line, if your boyfriend loves you then he probably loves all of you. Even your tiger stripes.

PandaKitteh 20

lol that was cute and well said. :]

There should be more men like you around.