By omgdesdes - 16/11/2014 01:29 - United States - Casselberry

Today, after having sex with my boyfriend, he triumphantly flung the condom to the ceiling, only to have it come down and smack me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 729
You deserved it 6 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was a sperm of the moment kind of thing.

He definitely *puts on sunglasses* hit it twice.


I fail to see what he was going for but whatever floats his boat I guess

haha I'm sorry but that makes me laugh but only because it didn't happen to me .

well he thought used condom is antigravity matter...

I thought women like that sort of shit? especially with the whole 50 shades of grey thing

DenBriZel 31

Did it land on the outside or the inside?

RedPillSucks 31

Start dating men instead of preteens

BanAnnalee 12