By omgdesdes - 16/11/2014 01:29 - United States - Casselberry

Today, after having sex with my boyfriend, he triumphantly flung the condom to the ceiling, only to have it come down and smack me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 729
You deserved it 6 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was a sperm of the moment kind of thing.

He definitely *puts on sunglasses* hit it twice.


Ladies and gentlemen we practice safe sex. Good job

There had to be a better way to celebrate if you want to call it that

I guess what goes around cums around!

ostfaiz 18

open All of your lips Op its cumming again ;)

martin8337 35

that's got to be one of the boneheaded-est moves I've ever heard of. that being said, he sounds like fun. keep him op. he will always be a pain in the ass, but at least he's lively and fresh. you will laugh for the rest of your life with this guy (or at least AT him)

so you'll put his dick in your mouth but somehow have a problem with a condom hitting you in the face? typical woman.

BDA_fml 5