By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 20:15 - United States - Staten Island

Today, after I had changed my number to get away from my abusive ex, my mom decided to give him my new one. She insists that I need to give him another chance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 197
You deserved it 3 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess your mom isn't getting your new, new number.

diablodeldragoon 6

change your number again. don't give it to your idiotic mother.


sounds like dear old mother was trying to date your ex boyfriend through you. I would confront her saying this isn't right for her to give your number out like that. and if she wants to see more of him around, tell her that she can date him.

Well change your number again, & don't give it to your mom.

Wtf Mom. Don't give your mom the new new-number

wow... next time she is the one who yu don't need to give yur phone number too.

The_F3rris 11

Way to go mom. Bad advice x 1000. Stay with the abusive sh**.

crazytwinsmom 25

My brother did that to me too. Even told him where I worked, which I didn't know about until he was waiting in the parking lot one night. In all fairness, I had not informed my family about the abusiveness. Maybe OP's mom didn't know.

Obviously those who clicked the 'you deserved it' button are as brainless as this girls mother. No one deserves to be in an abusive relationship. Good for you for getting out! Do not go back! Move on!

That's really stupid for your mom to do

is your mother smoking pieces or something

abylaunch 10

It could be worse my mom invited my abusive ex to live with us when I was in high school and made me share a room with him then pressured me into marrying him when I was 17 but to be fair she didn't know about the physical abuse just the cheating and emotional abuse.