By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 20:15 - United States - Staten Island

Today, after I had changed my number to get away from my abusive ex, my mom decided to give him my new one. She insists that I need to give him another chance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 197
You deserved it 3 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess your mom isn't getting your new, new number.

diablodeldragoon 6

change your number again. don't give it to your idiotic mother.


change it's again. and dont give it to ur mother

Get another, and don't give to ANYONE! FYL.

What if the mum doesn't know that the ex-boyfriend is abusive?

You're mum is a moron. Abusive people do not deserve second chances ever.

It seems like he faked himself around your mother, OR he threatened your mother into giving him your new number. I would ask her about why she insists on giving him a second chance. I would also tell her that you are changing your number again and this time around, you will not be giving it to her.

Get a new number and this time don't give it to her

jbunzie 6

omg been there before. it sucks

Change it again, and get rid of your abusive ex and mother.

TrilliousDivine 9

I think its time the number 4-1-1 would come in handy. Why doesnt she know about the abuse OP?

chasity_27 2