By Dean - 15/12/2009 05:23 - United States

Today, after months of constant encouragement from my friends, I went and entered a singing contest. I sang and was booed off stage. Later on I found out my friends lied to me about my ability to sing, just so I could give them a cheap laugh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 941
You deserved it 6 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you not have your own personal working ears?

perdix 29

Your friends are awesome! They put up with your shitty singing for months, all while keeping a straight face, just to deliver the knockout blow at this contest. It was not a "cheap laugh," but one that required a lot of dedication and had a huge payoff! By the way, I love freaks like you. For me, the only part of American Idol that is worth a shit to me is the auditions . . . I love the "horribles!" I hope you haven't retired from singing.


Oh, my gosh..... That is awful. That is not funny at all.. That's bullying, in my opinion...

rawrlove16 0

Then those aren't real friends....

I'm sorry op some people are so insensitive. Keep your head up and don't give up on singing, there's always singing lessons ;) and btw I hope you got a new group of friends.

doglover100 28

Why would you believe them in the first place are you that gullible?