By Stevski - 11/09/2012 15:08 - Australia - Port Macquarie
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 17/06/2015 12:14
**** me, I guess
By Anonymous - 18/08/2024 18:00 - United States - Richmond
Usually a bad omen
By Karen - 21/05/2023 06:00
My little friends
By Annonymous - 18/10/2012 14:41 - United States
Bugging out
By Ernest - 30/11/2022 06:00
By merrymary - 07/01/2012 11:11 - United States
The Summoner
By Anonymous - 14/09/2020 05:02
By Sarah Ellsberry - 13/09/2017 16:00
By anonymous - 29/06/2016 03:11 - United States - Charlton
By TheRoad42 - 20/08/2013 12:54 - United States - Baton Rouge
Top comments
It's time to move out!
Cockroaches are bugs not animals! These guys are just idiots. Even 'vegans' draw the line at insects. Hire a exterminator or try to evict them on a health citation. Or the owner, if you're not, will evict all three of you!
I knew a vegan who objected to BREAD because "yeast is a living creature too!" God, I wanted to punch him in the throat.
Uhm, if insects do not belong to the kingdom animalia, in which kingdom should they be placed? O_o
Plantae, obviously.
They're actually considered apart of the Kingdom Animalia. There are roughly 25 orders of insects in the kingdom of Animalia. Get your facts straight people. As a vegetarian. I do not agree with many vegans, they're a bit too strict. But this is a whole new level of extremism. I don't know too many vegans who would let roaches live. OP's room mates are taking it a bit too far in my opinion.
112 - What do you mean "people"? So far as I can see, only one commenter in this thread said that cockroaches aren't animals. I certainly wasn't seriously suggesting that cockroaches were plants.
Just apologize to them and tell them you'll cook dinner to make it up. THEN catch some roaches, fry them in the pan, mix them in with some seafood, and serve it right up to them.
Vegans don't eat seafood. If you soak the roaches in water and honey, you may be able to convince them that they are figs...
In that case, a ceasar salad will suffice. Just toss the roaches in there and juice them up with some dressing.
Moral of the story: never move in with vegans
Phone your landlord then. I'm sure he/she will not share their 'world view'. Protip: get a deep bowl and fill it with soda. Cockroaches cannot swim. They will climb into it and drown.
Even better. Use a fruity smelling alcohol like 99 bananas. Then you can torch whichever ones don't drown.
I wouldn't care what they say, I would kill them anyway. That's ludicrous for them to think you'd want to live like that. I understand that vegans don't want to eat animal products, but that's going too far.

Kill them anyway?
I don't care if they don't want cockroaches to die; I would go nuclear on those nasty creatures.