By TheNaturalOrderofThingsSucks - 11/09/2012 03:13 - United States - Seattle

Today, after pouring my heart out to a beautiful girl on Facebook, and having her return the favor, she typed a final message that read, "That was my friend. Please f*ck off now. Thanks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 602
You deserved it 7 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay. Instead of "pouring your heart out" and potentially looking like an obsessive maniac, why not just say something along the lines of "I like you, let's go out"? Unless you have been dating it is so inappropriate to gush about your romantic feelings to someone who most likely does not feel the same way. More often than not you end up making the other person uncomfortable and you look strange.


I agree with what a lot of people are saying. It is quite uncomfortable having someone "pour their heart out" when you're not expecting it or have the same feelings. That being said... OUCH! She was quite harsh. She could have been direct AND respectful about it at the same time. Next time try being less intense about it. :)

Livemusicxo 2

Wow thts awful! Talk to the girl tht was rly talkin to ya maybe then??

K410 18

I know exactly how that feels. It just happened to me. And if there's one persons comment you need to read on here it's insanityconfineds cos he/she understands where I'm coming from and certainly how you feel.