By themarrowguy - 23/08/2013 10:06 - United States

Today, after recently discovering that I need a bone marrow transplant, my girlfriend got tested to see if she could be a donor. When the results came back with a negative match, she blurted out, "Oh thank god." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 174
You deserved it 4 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She still got tested. I think she would have gone through with it if she was indeed a match, but anyone (including myself) would be dreading the surgery.

AnthonyWheeler15 24

It was a nice gesture that she tested to see if she could, but that wasn't really a proper response, even if she was afraid to go through with the procedure. Good luck finding a doner OP!


onorexveritas 23

That was not very nice at all, but I hope you get a match! :)

hntandjlt 8

I hope everything goes good for you!

Freudian slip? No...that can't be right. I think she meant well if she went thriugh the testing! Hope everything works out okay for, OP! Get well soon!!

It's possible she may have been having second thoughts due to the repercussions of her saving his life. :S It would make it impossible for him to break up with her and she may have been worried about his feeling indebted to her. My boyfriend had to do something similar once and I hated feeling trapped and in his debt like that, even though it may have ended up saving my life. I can see how that might make things awkward or ruin a relationship, but it's good that she still tried. If she felt that way because she wanted to save their relationship, it's really pretty admirable. I'm sorry, OP. I hope you find a donor soon.

That was messed up ! the big baby would have been asleep thru the procedure anyways . I hope u find a match . test me ! :-)

That makes me sad for you ); but maybe she was just scared about the operation, I'm sure it's nothing against helping you

150493x 29

Although she could have reacted better it was probably just the thought and anxiety of maybe having to have an operation. I hope things go well for you, OP.

Hey, at least she went and got tested. She prob would have donated if she was a match. Don't blame her for being relieved tho. Bon marrow transplants are very painful.