By DocBastard - 17/12/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, after rocking my one-year old daughter for nearly two hours, she finally fell asleep. As I went to leave her room, I stubbed my toe. I now have a broken toe, a screaming child, and a wife who will be so proud that her daughter's first word is "FUCK!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 423
You deserved it 6 543

DocBastard tells us more.

Akai, the only people who say that are people who don't have kids. My 2 children are the most precious things in my world, and I've smiled more since my daughter was born than in all my previous years combined. I truly feel sorry for people who think like you.

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

You do seem to be in quite a jam. I would definitely call a toe-truck. Holy Shat it's Doc!!!

Remember those parrots that repeat what you say, small children are very much like them.


All you need is to teach her the word "BASTARD" and you're set. ******* bastard...

Her first sentence will be "**** THAT DUDE" haha

structuredchaoz 4

Have your child checked for milk and soy allergies. If she's cring all night she likely has stomach discomfort. Don't feed your child soy. Ever.

Norsk_Emily 8

He's referring to the fact that DocBastard's child was up all night crying and was giving a possibility as to why she might've been crying... Or at least I think that's what they're referring to...

Wow, your wife will be pissed at you. I'm guessing you'll be sleeping on the couch for awhile...

gofastguy 3

The look on moms face when your kid actually says it will be priceless

The first and only FML posted is published. Well done.