By DocBastard - 17/12/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, after rocking my one-year old daughter for nearly two hours, she finally fell asleep. As I went to leave her room, I stubbed my toe. I now have a broken toe, a screaming child, and a wife who will be so proud that her daughter's first word is "FUCK!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 419
You deserved it 6 543

DocBastard tells us more.

Akai, the only people who say that are people who don't have kids. My 2 children are the most precious things in my world, and I've smiled more since my daughter was born than in all my previous years combined. I truly feel sorry for people who think like you.

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

You do seem to be in quite a jam. I would definitely call a toe-truck. Holy Shat it's Doc!!!

Remember those parrots that repeat what you say, small children are very much like them.


bubo_fml 10

Being that the good Dr. is a right Bastard, this post sounds more like a boast than an FML!

Torva_fml 16

I'm not sure if you have ever read FML comments before, but I completely disagree with your "about me".

fl4evr 0

Better she hears it in the house then on the street

SwaggaKing322 0

Omg you deserve that for profanity

guitarhitman18 4

been there my friend, been there, and my son still loves to say ****, I tell people he is saying duck. ;)

KellyIsTheBest32 12

Believe it or not, that was actually my little sister's first word too. Don't feel bad.

Well it's sweet that you were rocking her to sleep.