By future missing person maker person thingy - 11/10/2012 20:37 - Canada - Lloydminster

Today, after saving up for weeks, I bought myself an iPad. Because mine is better than the one my parents bought my ten-year-old brother, he got pissed and threw it into our pool. I'm now grounded for getting angry and calling him a bastard in the aftermath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 253
You deserved it 2 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Throw his in the pool! Although I do admire your restraint, I would have quite literally punched him if I was you, and I'm normally a calm, nice person :)

alphabetsoup25 4

Take his iPad and tell him he can have the better one in the pool!

lex87author 8

Should have gotten AppleCare+

I would've made him hoe me his or buy me another. After shoving him in the pool.

234- I agree with you, and OPs brother is ten so is old enough to be prosecuted. In the UK that is :-)

skullofdarkness 18

Honestly, at that point, I'd say something along the lines of "okay, nothing left to lose. Come here you little brat!" and would proceed to shove his iPad down his throat. Granted it wouldn't fit at first, but after some reconstruction of his face it would...

iamzikang 17

I would have beaten the ever-loving shit out of him. Then I'd take his iPad.

Skylansmile 11

I would go get his iPad and say something like "you didn't like the fact mine was better? I don't like the fact you have one at all." and throw his in the pool too. Totally would be worth the consequences lol

roxasfightshard 0

I would have thrown him in the pool with a cylinder block tied to his ankles and wait for the bubble to stop