By thanksforthat - 10/08/2009 19:05 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Username - 06/06/2011 03:29 - United States
By Butter_Cup - 28/12/2009 21:39 - United States
Sick ride, dude
By RdL - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
Car brain
By Anonymous - 05/12/2021 05:00
Lonesome wheels
By Anonymous - 28/10/2021 11:00
By Anonymous - 13/05/2024 23:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/12/2021 02:01
Independence day
By Anonymous - 01/07/2022 10:00
Not the golden child
By Anonymous - 02/03/2021 03:00 - Australia - Geraldton
Carless whisper
By JaneSimple - 05/02/2021 17:01
Top comments
Its your car, they have no right to take it and use it, Say no, and when they take it, report it stolen, Teach those ungrateful **** suckers a lesson! And if its low on gas have them pay for it, if they break the car they pay for it. Also, Piss them off by saying they cant use your car UNLESS they sign a promise note stating any and all damage will be fixed by them, and they have to fill up the gas tank :D
you deserved it for allowing them to take advantage of you. usually my dad takes my car out without asking me so my solution is always keeping the keys with me and even when i sleep i just put my keys inside my pillow case.
Tell your parents no. They need to buy a cheeper car and maintian it themselves. I bought a '94 Cavalier for $450 that only needed a replacement steering column. Explain that you need the car, especially if you are in high school or college. This is their problem, and they need to at least help with gas. Tell them your schedual, especially if in college, will always take precedence over theirs. Tell them since you are the only one on the insurance, and intended to pay maitenance costs, that you are the only one who may actually DRIVE, but that they may ride FOR A FEE. Do NOT give them keys. If it becomes that big of a deal take a motorcycle class, buy a mototrcycle, and then sell your car. Claim you need the money, as I suspect that is what your parents said. If they have no valid excuse tell them to **** OFF, maybe a bit more respectably than this though. OR You can let them walk all over you, but remember that soon they will want something else you have. Your parents sound a bit off, and the moment they see you submit to this is the moment you give up all rights to anything you have. OP stand up for ourself and fairness. If they can't understand it then there is no reasoning with them. Do NOT let them use the whole 'we raised, paid for, and took care of you' guilt trip. It was their DUTY as parents. Those things shouldn't be considered as optional or favors. FYL because you, as I did, find yourself in the middle of what appears to be a no-win situation for you. Follow your insticts, wich to me sound like giving them a reality check. I hope you make the decision you think is best. Good luck, though I really hope you don't need it.
considering that for the first 16-18 years, probably more in your case; the situation was reversed on them, with you using things that they paid for, and leaving them to worry for any cost of maintenance. I'd say that doesn't sound too bad, did you ever stop and realize how bad our economy is right now. You do realize that parents aren't recession proof, right? and that maybe they had to sell there car because they couldn't afford it any more, or because they needed the money to pay for something else. maybe they should have worded things differently; but it sounds like they are really asking you for help, because everyone around the country is experiencing a tough time financially. you're parents have given you so much for a long time, is it so hard for you to take care of them?
People never seem to stand up to unreasonable parents. Either there is something you missed out or, you should just keep the keys on you and refuse to let anyone else use it unless they pay for the petrol.
Even if you paid for it if it is under the parents name its legally their car. That's a situation I would tread carefully on. I had a friend that her mother decided to take her car just because she could, because the insurance was under the mother's name and she was the cosigner. My friend paid everything else. OP just needs to sit down with her parents and talk to them about this. Because you cannot take and not expect to give something in return. Just say no respectfully (they are your parents after all) either that or draw up an official contract that if they violate they lose all car rights. And are going to be billed for any damages accrued while they were using it. (Let face it people don't take care of stuff that isn't theirs.) If they don't pay you take them to court. You seem like an older person so get one of your friends who is studying law to draw it up or look on the internet for a template. If you don't feel like that just hold onto your keys and deny knowledge of keys location. Remember that cars have at least 2 sets of them. Or siphon the gas out of the car each time you finish using it and storing it. If asked say that's your gas. You only agreed to let them use your car. Not your gas. But if your parents don't respect you to include you on the decision making of your own car its time to look for an apt. Student housing normally comes fully furnished and nearly all inclusive. As well as being cheapish. (My apt is 299 a month includes everything sans electricity which is split 4 ways)
Tell them to F* off and buy a new car! Seriously...
yeah except for the fact that the OP's parents probaly wouldent have even done that if they werent legally obligated to from the sounds of it they would make her pay for everything shes ever had if they could
@184 That still does not give them the right to just say that the car you paid for is now the family car and oh by the way because it's your car you still have to buy all the gas and pay for the maintenance. This is the one situation where a nice well mannered "**** off" is in order.
Or tell them its one way or the other. Its either your car or the family's. Like I'm sure when you started to drive and used their car they made you pay for gas at the very least. Say the same is expected of them. That if they use it they top the tank off. If they insist the its your car being used by the family quote the children story of the Little Red Hen. Her friends wouldn't help her make the bread but all tried to get some at the end and she refused. Moral of the story you have to put forth some effort if you want to reap the rewards. ran out of time in editing...
simple solution leave your car stored some where safe and tell your parents you "sold the car" and your not getting a new one they will give in and buy themselves the once they have a car again you go and get your car back and be like thats what you get for being assholes
Tell them where to stick it.

If my parents did that to me I'd tell them they can either start contributing to gas and maintenance or they can start finding other ways to travel, like a bus, or a bike. They may be your parents but if you paid for that car with your own money, you should still have a say on who can and can't use it, and you shouldn't have to foot the car bills yourself if you aren't the only one using it.
Damn parents. You at least say SOMETHING... but sorry to say it probably won't work...