By thanksforthat - 10/08/2009 19:05 - United States

Today, after selling their car, my parents decided to inform me that my car (that I paid for myself) is now going to be the "Family Car". They also informed me that since it is, after all, my car, I'll still have to pay for the gas and maintenance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 894
You deserved it 4 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acd23 0

If my parents did that to me I'd tell them they can either start contributing to gas and maintenance or they can start finding other ways to travel, like a bus, or a bike. They may be your parents but if you paid for that car with your own money, you should still have a say on who can and can't use it, and you shouldn't have to foot the car bills yourself if you aren't the only one using it.

theflamezbegin 0

Damn parents. You at least say SOMETHING... but sorry to say it probably won't work...


Or at the very least they should pay for the gas and Maintainance too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually if they wouldn't respect that it's my car and they won't be paying for anything then I would call the cops if they "stole" it. Though I don't know how well that would go over. I don't know, but I would definitely tell them something or make sure I'm using the car every time I know they are about to try and use it. Do something while you still can. I would almost sell it if I was desperate to do something against them.

Kiwi_Splash 0

I can just imagine the amount of rage I'd bring upon their lives. I'm am SO sorry.

aerithangel 0

OMG~~~~ That happen to my boyfriend too!!!!!!! At that point of time when he wanted to get a new car, his parent say:" In this house, there's shall be no TWO cars!!" So we got no choice but to sell off the car BUT we need to pay 10k more to trade that car.. Went back and talk to them to help to clear off the "old" debts. they say:" It's under YOUR car.. so settle your OWN car issue.." We got no other choice but to puke out the money.. and tat's not the ending.. after we get the car, the usage is as if it's their car but we are paying for all the gas, maintainance etc.. Even parking fee we need to pay for them!!!! At one time when we want to use and his mother also want to use, she gone mad and start cursing my bf.. " my son is hopeless! mother wanna use car oso cannot!!!" "y I give birth to a useless son!!!".. So we have to give in.... AND it's not yet the ENDING!!!!!! My bf's sis want to get a new car... his parent supported her and she got a new car.. o ya.. did i say that she say in the house, there's shall no TWO cars? Maybe i'm a retard.. don't know my basic math.. 1+1 is not equal to 2.....

I agree that we aren't getting the full story here. It sounds to me like the parents are trying to illustrate a point, and needed to resort to extreme measures. That, or the OP is blowing something way out of proportion-- maybe the parents said they weren't gonna pay for the gas the OP uses, or that maintenance is still the OP's responsibility because it would still be needed even if they weren't driving it. Either a) these are just terribly selfish parents or b) something is fishy with the OP's perspective. Since it sounds like he/she (can't see gender on my phone) still lives at home, ie hasn't been kicked out, my money's on b.

deliapearl 0

sounds like ur parents are having money problems and are too embarassed to tell u

aerithangel 0

actually... my bad.. i did not state clearly who am i and where i'm from... I'm a gal.. n i'm an asian... well.. u know.. asian's mind kinda weird... from wat i see and observe for the past 2 yrs, his parent treat my bf very differ. since born till now... His parent dote his sis to the core... if my bf dun look like his dad, i would think that he's adopted... I feel sad for him...

Aw sucks to be you D= *hug* **** your life. ):

aerithangel 0

His parent have tons of money... They r just selfish...

aerithangel 0

moving out is not really a good idea.. cos they will start cursing my bf..... I'm quite happy his sis getting the car.. because we can argue that if they want to use car, use his sis one as it's THEIR car... haha..