By Noname - 14/03/2009 01:06 - United States

Today, after taping 5-year-olds do a skit at an improv camp, I used the camera's view-finder to zoom in on a female co-worker's chest. Another female co-worker tapped me on the shoulder to show that the TV was still connected to the camera. Parents, kids, and instructors all witnessed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 189
You deserved it 138 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow really dude? C'mon, be smarter than the 5 year olds, who ever agreed that your life was F***ed and you need some common sense.


foryoublue94 0

I'm surprised at how many people think that little kids are completely oblivious. By that age, I was very aware of peoples' sexual urges. I'm not saying that I had them, but it was very easy to identify sexual situations in TV, movies, etc. Sure, I didn't understand the concept completely, but something like that would have been enough to make me uncomfortable/think it was incredibly inappropriate. Anyway, back to OP. That was a rather stupid and perverted thing to do—not to mention highly unprofessional. If you want to be a creep, you probably shouldn't film women at a work-related event whilst using your employer's equipment. Actually—don't be a creep, period.

Dude wtf have some class and some respect for women. Seriously, filming it alone is bad enough, it's a good thing you got caught, hopefully it teaches you a lesson.

igorwn 3

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xxEternalRain 13

Yeah if you werent filming it.....AT WORK

wrestler_fml 0

UlmarBroemel and the OP may be pervs...... but that doesn't mean we don't have a constitutional right to not only say what we think, but also to look. We are allowed to stare at a woman all we want, and we can stare at whatever parts we want. as long as we don't say, touch, etc. then it is perfectly legal. Sure, it may make her angry and slap the guy (which is justified)... but it's not "illegal" to do so. Granted, only sickos, pervs, and complete losers would do that kind of thing to where anybody would ever notice, or for more than a split second. but the legality is there, nonetheless. ps OP why the hell wouldn't you wait till you get home to wack it off and look at boobs?

JeanNe91 0

hahaha that's what you get, perve.

keepitsimple 0

you're all clearly whiny little bitches. good job man, a little weird that you used the camera but you are NOT a pervert god damn it

xanth 0

Does no one else find it weird that people would send their 5yo's to improv camp?