By backtosquareone - 04/10/2009 09:42 - Canada
Same thing different taste
Bad start
By Nathan - 23/03/2009 20:09 - United States
By ohdang - 01/03/2012 17:12 - United States
By Screwed Up - 09/05/2013 05:30 - United States
By Kal - 19/06/2023 16:00
Funny story
By Anonymous - 23/02/2022 16:00
Sharing is caring
By Anonymous - 28/03/2023 03:00 - United States - Leawood
By Anonymous - 18/07/2023 06:00
By Anonymous - 31/10/2024 20:00 - Belgium - Kasterlee
By a_boring_snuffkin - 16/05/2020 02:00
Red flag
By Anonymous - 12/01/2021 20:01
Top comments
That's exactly why I keep everything personal to myself. Which kinda sucks...
Your friends suck.
Depression doesn't exist. It's all in your head. Science has proved that. Let your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in your heart and he will make you happy.
Of course it's all in your head, jackass. That's why it's called a "mental disorder". Your Jesus can shove it up his effeminate spear-hole.
You sound like a very pleasant person, #18.
Jesus is dead. He wouldn't be much help for the OP because of that and it seems that the illusions of his greatness actually do no harm then good if they make ignorant people such as yourself #15.
# 18, I believe you're missing out on a great joke. Is your mental disorder ******* with your sense of humour?
........Back to 4chan.
I think, true or no, we'll all be better off if we start looking at delfinofrank as a 17 year old troll who's _pretending_ to be a Christian zealot.
Why are people so stupid. WHILE it might be a troll, I am mighty sick of people telling me all the problems in my life are there because Jesus isn't. I agree Jesus had some great morals and could very well be the lord and savior of kittens, puppies, and stupid preteen bigots but I have a right to put my foot down and say, " I don't believe that." I also have the right to be depressed, upset, or angry without someone telling me prayer is the key. Jesus is support, but you still need to get off your lazy ass and get the medication, fix the problem or talk to someone.
Meeting God half-way. Having belief isn't just automatically going to make everything okee-dokee. It's kinda like a job; you don't get paid if you sit on your ass and wait for something to happen.
LOL XD It's an official mental disorder. Science has also proven that the amount of dopamine transfered between dendrites and things affects a person's mood, and the part of the brain (I think the hippocampus) is the one that's with all the emotion. So if you're like. Having a chemical imbalance in your brain (specifically dopamine, which affects your 'happiness level'), then this could lead to either totally happy and hyper or completely depressed, which branches off into inner and outer depression, suicidal and aggressive respectively. Do your research, bruh. Rofl "science proved it". Psh, my foot.
Why don't you take your Jesus certified doctorate in phsycology preach it to some one who gives shit.
my therapist said the exact same thing, i said 'sure i'll tell them' and never did because i'm not retarded and i hate emo attention ******. fyl though.
your doctor... is his college degree laminated? if so, it's void. seek help elsewhere
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Show it anyway#24 sounds a surprisingly lot like a bittered, depressed person who refuses to tell anyone and is eating themselves up from the inside in secret, hating everybody around them for not seeing their torment. or a scientologist. amirite?
Of course, got me all figured out there... :)
winrar is me :D no but seriously, depression is an existing illness. i must admit there are many dumbass attention ****** out there who cry because their guinea pig died five years ago and their parents got a divorce, but you can't just assume OP is one of them.
Please tell me how is depression not an illness. It is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, namely serotonin. It is listed and recognised by medical professions as a legitimate illness. It is not only caused by environmental, but recent research has discovered that there also might be a genetic component to it.
there are some flaws in your reasoning: serotonin imbalance is not the only thing causing depression and serotonin imbalance is not caused by environmental factors. they are two entirely seperate causes of depression and serotonin is not the only thing in your brain that has to do with it: there's endorfine, etc. this is also the reason some antidepressants work better on some people than on others, or why sometimes antidepressants do not affect a person at all. but kudos for defending the fact that it is an illness.
That is why I said "namely" serotonin. Not including other chemical factors. Any I wsn't clear enoguh when I said "environmental factors", but by that I meant "life circumstanes" (I am not always good at articulating what I mean), including socio-economic status, and traumatic life events
Sorry shit spelling too: Wasn't, enough, circumstances. It's 2:30am here and I'm quite tired. I'm awake due to insomnia. Caused by my depression.
onlysoph, 'namely' means 'only'. so it was kind of a misunderstanding. sorry for the know-it-all speech then... lol (PS I've had the same problem for years. I understand what you mean. It takes hours to fall asleep and when you finally do, some asshole probably wakes you up)
Namely means "specifically". But I see how my wording may have confuddled you. I am a bit confuddled myself
Wow, sprocket, you're ******* stupid.
why am i ******* stupid?
Yes depression is an illness. The problem is that people associate illness with something that they don't have much control over, and that is supposed to be solved by doctors and pills.
Yeah, sprocket, you are stupid; really, really stupid. Know how you can tell a person who deserves two "really"s instead of just one? They act all arrogant while enlightening the world to what's correct and they don't even realize they're not only wrong, but they're wrong about something that almost EVERYONE knows. :)
All you "caused by chemical imbalance" dorks, can any single one of you please explain to me then WHAT is the cause for said chemical imbalances in the brain? I mean, it's kinda like saying that 3rd degree burns are a serious thing and not the victim's fault, but if the cause is the victim testing at what temp is an under-pressure propane tank gonna blow...?
Can you tell me how cancer is caused? Yes, it is caused by the mutation of cells within the human body. But what actually CAUSES it? Yes, there are some known causes for cancer (exposure to high levels of radiation - etc), but as you know, sometimes cancer just happens. We don't know why some people get cancer. This is the same as depression. As I said before, new research points to the fact that it is most likely a genetic disease. Other than that however, we don't know. Just because we don't know what causes it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Yeah, only to help with the dopamine levels, but it doesn't eliminate depression, unfortunately.
I can't work out if these people saying depression doesn't exist and I should let god bone me up the ass are trolls or incredibly retarded.
Sorry that happened. Might be a good lesson about who real friends are; because real freinds would have stood by you. The only explanation is that it was very uncomfortable for them and they just didn't know how to react. Talk to some of them individually - start with who you trust the most - and let them know that this is something serious and that you need your friends' support. Those who bail on you were just along for the ride - not true friends.
There's a plethora of scientific proof that depression exists. Either they're worthless, ignorant people who beat their children and spouses, will lose all their teeth by 35, and will never amount to anything, or they're trolls who have such pathetic lives that they have nothing better to do they sit at their computer and harass strangers. So who cares about them? Anyway, OP either has terrible friends or told the wrong friends. This is the sort of thing you should only tell people you are really close to about and even then you should do it in a one on one conversation not in a group where people are more likely to feel like they need to look tough/cool.

Wow, that sucks **** your friends, find some new ones
I think you need some new friends. Depression is a very serious thing.