By jules - 10/03/2011 07:53 - United States

Today, an older man sat next to me while he ate his lunch. He dropped what I assumed was his cutlery. Wanting to help out, I picked it up off the floor. It was his teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 231
You deserved it 5 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How on earth do you mistake teeth for cutlery?

You where partially correct. It was "cutlery". XD heehee


did he thank you for your assistance?

Then, I guess you'd be completely fine with picking up a stranger's teeth? You, sir, are disgusting! Point: This is an adequate FML.

how is it FYL? he is the one whos teeth were on the ground and now taste like your hands.

this is such a stereotype, an old geezer drops his teeth, a guy disgustingly picks them up

Always make sure the old person doesn't bite, good thinking you just took it way to far.Shame on you.

ReginalUT 0

Really man how do you mistake false teeth with cutlery? YDI!

YDI - you should look before you pick things up.