By Anonymous - 11/01/2011 09:43 - United States

Today, as I'm pregnant, my mom came over to do some nice things for me, such as clean my kitchen and cook a large pot of my favorite soup. When she left, I took a nap, planning to eat later. I woke up to find my roommates had trashed my kitchen and eaten all my soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 574
You deserved it 4 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know right? Sensibly budgeting for a baby is so ridiculous. It's much better to rent a place you can't afford and just raise your kid on welfare and food stamps. It might be in the scummiest most ghetto part of the neighborhood, but at least you have your own place...right?


wait till you have your baby, if they behave badly like that now its not gonna stop cause your a mom. Move out or kick them out.

Mokiikom_fml 8

One of the many reasons why I refuse to have roommates. D:

You can choose to live with real friends instead of random people with shit for brains.

colederian 0

u should tell them that you'll pay them to clean the kitchen, not pay them then trash it

I don't think "ate" is really suitable on the OP's part; drank?

you should kick his a** and make him clean your kitchen for ever that wat a**hole deserve

wow that sucks, how come you are living with roommates if you're pregnant? Are you unable to live with your partner (presuming you have one due to the whole pregnancy thing) or family? I'd be trying to get out of there if possible.

Ydi for having roommates and not a baby daddy/husband

IneffableLullaby 13

If your roommates act like that, it's probably in the best interest of your child for you to either kick the roommates out or move out yourself. Sorry, but that does not sound like the ideal environment to raise a child.