By Nell - 30/06/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, as I was going to bed, I spotted a man staring at my window from a neighbor's yard. Ten minutes later, he was still there. I freaked out, started crying, and contemplated calling the cops. My creeper turned out to be the neighbor's wooden lawn ornament. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 457
You deserved it 37 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iluvevil01 11

you could tell it wasn't real when it didn't move?

Beebow_fml 5

Run over there and kick it over.


cptmorgan6 8

I have ten of those for that single reason. Something about creeping my neighbors out gives me tingles in my private area.

Shelbsies 0

When I read this I thought of Mr. Harvey from Lovely Bones...

?????lll? what in the hell is wrong with you?!

JennaMarie420 2

Suck it up, 104... Hmmm, "FrothyLatte"? Yeah, I got your Frothy Latte...

BooGhosted 0

Haha I hope I never go to your place. Or even walk past it!

IndiRae 9

"Going to bed" I'm assuming it was nighttime and it was just a silhouette. -_- no need to get all insulty'

I was thinking the same thing kwejee

I needed glasses once. Then I went to the eye doctor and got glasses. Like a boss.

IndiRae 9

Then he don't need no glasses no more^^^ Boom.

biasedshooter 24

that's just what I wanted you to think...

Next time when it will be a real creeper, you'll think that it's the neighbor's wooden lawn ornament.

good old "boy who cried wolf" syndrome

Jess1008 4

hahah I've done that before cept it was shadow on the ground and was 3am

Igshmia 0

Stalker or not it was aimed at ur window and it had wood.

Igshmia 0

^Liking it totally kuz it are makes me a genious trolololol

limblessorphan 4

Hahahaha! You just brightened up my morning :-))

That was actually a decoy. Your real creeper was somewhere else furiously masturbating.

furiously? the way people comment sometimes just makes my day XD

That was boners. He does that a lot.

lol that happened to me but it was a balloon in a tree :)