By Jane - 24/11/2011 13:57 - Australia

By Jane - 24/11/2011 13:57 - Australia
By Anonymous - 25/06/2015 03:55 - United States - San Francisco
By anonymous - 08/12/2011 10:37 - United States
By Juliett - 29/08/2019 19:00 - United States - Wisconsin Rapids
By iwassoclose - 10/04/2013 16:32 - United States
By facepalm - 27/02/2009 08:39 - Singapore
By Anonymous - 06/01/2011 06:03 - United States
By thanks, fuckface - 16/11/2012 19:42 - United States - Parachute
By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 22:46 - United States
By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 06:24 - France
By klsdhjla - 15/02/2010 01:23 - United States
Should do the Rick Ross during orgasms.
What, be really fat and bad a rapping? I don't see how that would make sex any more enjoyable...
Rick Rossing: saying HO randomly just like in the song, 'John (if I die today)'
I'm with Keyman. Rick Ross is almost as bad as Wiz Khalifa. It takes some pretty poor lyrics to be that bad..
Rick Ross is MUCH worse than Wiz Khalifa.
In one of Wiz Khalifa's songs he says "Gotta find the keys to my car, cus I be goin hard" that's how bad he is at rhyming. This line alone asserts his position as worst rapper since rap was invented.
Soulja Boy will always be the worst rapper. Anyway, if Wiz had said "Gotta find the keys to my car, cus I'm gonna go far" not only would it have rhymed, it would have made ******* sense.
You guys do realize that rappers do not write their own lyrics?
EVEN EMINEM :| :( ??? Tell me it isn't true..
Rap: R- retards A- attempting P-poetry Thus not music.
114 - some people also **** goats...your point?
WTH does this have to do with this FML?
108- Eminem has talent, but he is so angry in the majority of his songs. They might deal with real-life, but he's telling the same story in almost every song. When I get done listening to him, I'm angry or depressed. That's not any fun.
Eminem is good for being commercial, but he doesn't even touch on the underground legends, imo.
Kanye West is pretty friggin awesome too . lol op, might wanna have an open conversation about that.
136... Kanye West is too far up his own ass to attempt to be any good at anything. Eminem is good at making cute kids, good music somewhat evades him. I've never been able to relate to any of his music, though it's sometimes catchy.
Lets get to the truth. **** every rapper that sucks dick. If you can't freestyle you're a mainstream joke that can't create shit besides just that. Shit. Freestyling is true rapping.
You are a dumbass for describing RAP in details!!
Yeah, but definitely not even close to being clever enough to put a c in front of "rap" so it becomes "crap". That takes some kind of brilliance. A Tribe Called Quest, The Roots, De La Soul, The Pharcyde. Listen and learn.
#95 Eminem writes his own lyrics as well as ASTRO on the X factor
If you actually sit your ass down and listen to rap, you'll see that some rappers deliver a message. Not to mention you have to appreciate the talent It takes to use their wordplay, off the wall rhyme scheme, and ability to rhyme words you didn't even know existed.
#153: If you aren't saying something important enough to write down, you probably should just keep it to yourself. Most freestyle and battle rappers aren't making up the rhymes there on the spot. They rehearse them and then spit them when they fit the right situation.
Dafaq did you just say?
#154. You have no idea what your talking about. You honestly dont know anything. First of all. Underground or not, every rapper cares about money.
I don't know what you're talking about because of the improper pronoun reference in that comment
Do it to him sometime
Yeah. Upon seeing his penis shout, "is this all there is?!"
haha xr, I was thinking the exact same thing lol
DrDilllon, +5 internets to you
Why is it that EVERY minor problem, the solution people give is "dump him"? At this point I feel lime you would dump your boyfriend for breathing too slowly
How awkward can you get?
Well thats rude of should ask him what else he might want to do to....hmm...."spice things up"
#4 looks like a cutie;) and her profile makes her seem nice:P anyways.. I agree, spice things up a bit;)
Ask if he what's to "spice things up" before he gets too pissy and cheats. When guys throw a hissy fit like he's on his period.. It's time to spice things up.
43 - I thumbed you down merely because your profile said you do not get thumbed down.
FML's solution to every relationship problem ever! "Break up with him!" I reckon there's another way. If they're old enough to be having sex, then they're mature enough to talk their problems out...
son of a bitch my phone but commented... I didn't even think that was possible
Go back to the dealership and exchange him for a new one. He's obviously defective.
Atleast e didn't fall asleep.... Yea.. That happen to me
YDI for being bad in bed.
u need to work it out better girl. I'm free for lessions. lol
Guys, she's just trying to point out that her situation was bad, too. No need to be rude about things!
Well... If (he/she) falls asleep during sex, that would be a THEM problem. If he/she falls asleep after ******, that's a normal reaction, since it releases endorphins. OPs problem is worse because if this is his reaction EVERY time, it means OP has subjected herself to this more than once, I certainly hope your partner doesn't fall asleep often during sex.
Tell it at parties
Agreed. I thought op's boyfriend was referring to there being nothing in life but sex. Definitely existential crisis over bad sex. If I were op I'd object to the histrionics more than anything else. If he wants more to life he should go out and find it, seeking help if necessary. He shouldn't be making op feel bad by going all melodramatic at inappropriate times.
he's a retard get a new guy!! does he watch a lot of movies with crying women in it? sure sounds like it :)
Your point makes me think that you are the retard here
We're all retarded idiots.
wth? I get banned for a week and my post deleted for saying "retard" and here you guys are spewing out retard this and retard that with no punishments. How retarded of the moderation teams
Hipsters are angry at anything that makes them happy...
So at the peak of ultimate happiness he must deny himself because enjoying sex is mainstream. Hipsters ruin everything.
Next time you guys are getting frisky, wait til he takes off his pants and scream "Is that all there is?"
Do it to him sometime