By supervisor - 06/11/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, at work I wrote up my boyfriend (whom I've been secretly dating, because I'm his supervisor) for being $40 short on his register. Our policy is to write up anyone short over $10. He got mad and told my boss we're dating, and I was instantly fired. Then I got dumped for being a "tattle-tale". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 914
You deserved it 18 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is obviously to immature to understand the importance of having the correct amount of money in the till and the fact you have to do your job and properly to. You will find someone with the same mentality no doubt and will be better off without the other guy.

No way! You should've taken more money out and mentioned to your boss he was stealing out of the till. If you'd done that you'd be rid of him, still have a job, and have some extra spending money.


Man you got PUNK'D badly. I suggest you do the same to your ex-boyfriend.

jchansfan 0

i don't think her ex-boyfriend is Ashton Kutcher...

YDI for not informing whoever is your boss that you two were dating. Most places I've worked move people who are dating away from each other so shit like this doesn't happen. Especially if one of you if a supervisor of some sort and the other is just a cashier. Your ex could sue the company for sexual harassment because the write up came from someone he was dating. And although YLIF because he broke up with you after, I wouldn't want to be with him after he ratted you out anyways = So it's probably better that you find a new job and move on. You did do the right thing by writing him up, but try to follow all policies, or in this case, date someone you can trust to keep their mouth shut when you're only doing what you had to do.

Tippssy 0

"wahh I got fired for not following company policies". Grow the **** up.

Maybe he was stealing the money to buy you something?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

... Like that would've made it better.

So let's see, you purposely snuck around breaking the rules set by your company, rules which you were clearly aware of, and expected not to be punished? You deserve to be punished, though I'll agree that your ex is a douchebag since he thought dating you meant he wouldn't get into trouble when he messed up his till. He was clearly a terribly boyfriend anyways, and it sucks you had to lose your job over some idiot like him.

They have that policy for a reason just proven here. Hope he got fired too...

You totally deserved it. Don't break the law unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences.

nd131262 0

Are you two like 13? Otherwise sounds like you picked a real winner for a bf.

skyeyez9 24

this is a blessing in disguise. Youfound out he was a thief and embezzling money from the register. Be thankful he was caught now and not 6 mos later when you noticed he pawned your dead great grandmother's heirloom jewelrey you inherited.