By justlittleoldme - 25/07/2012 21:05 - United States - Sarona

Today, at work in a nursing home, I had to kill imaginary dogs in the lunch room, because they were evil and trying to eat everyone. This started with just one person seeing them, to all 30 of them screaming and freaking out. I spent 45 minutes killing imaginary dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 701
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They weren't seeing dogs, they were just bored.

50 points a kill, you'll prestige in no time!


YDI by playing into their fantasies your just making it worse. Next time make them face reality instead of avoiding it yourself.

if they really were old and crazy or even just senile, 'make them face reality' is totally not a viable option, sorry.

Ins0mau 20

Why? It's not like you can cure them. Most of the time, you make them face reality, it'll only upset them or confuse them more and won't help anyone. I work in a dementia ward myself.

oj101 33

Consider yourself lucky OP. I also work in a seniors home but I had to help the vet put one of my residents cats down when it was dying. I had to hold the cat while the vet administered the medication and I had to keep holding it till it's heart stopped beating. My crying resident was in the other room the whole time.Worst day at work ever.

lordEast 6

You should've "detonated a psychic blast that will kill all canine life forms in a instant"

Actually, F the old peoples' lives because watching you kill imaginary evil dogs is probably the best entertainment they've had in a while... :/

One person crying "witch" led to mass hysteria. Sorry you had crappy day at work! But good job killing the evil dogs!

mrnuleef 7

Murderer! You mustve been the one they hired to kill my imaginary pet monkey!

jacquesromualdez 12

Imaginary dogs:0 You:1. Dont let them defeat you!