By justlittleoldme - 25/07/2012 21:05 - United States - Sarona

Today, at work in a nursing home, I had to kill imaginary dogs in the lunch room, because they were evil and trying to eat everyone. This started with just one person seeing them, to all 30 of them screaming and freaking out. I spent 45 minutes killing imaginary dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 701
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They weren't seeing dogs, they were just bored.

50 points a kill, you'll prestige in no time!


Don't ever bring a real dog in there

mrphychrs 5
lexi365 20

PETA kills their own animals though...

FurryRocks 10

Did you kill the imaginary dogs with a real gun? That could be why everyone was screaming.

what part of your job would that be listed under?

It would be listed under "the charter or residents rights" assuming they are in the uk.

That has nothing to do with this situation... The dogs on CoD are not imaginary.

I'll have whatever pills the old folks are having.

Takuya272727 16

I think a correct term would be mass hysteria, in a way...

Theyre probably all trolls. They didnt see no imaginary dogs, they just wanted to watch you act like a fool.

Any dogs* didn't* they're*. Also, use a period instead of comma.

Bigmoneyshotz 0

Suck a dick who th **** made you the grammar police!

A semi-colon would work better in that case.

MonsterCommenter 4

Maybe you should change jobs from helping the elderly to the local pound...