By justlittleoldme - 25/07/2012 21:05 - United States - Sarona

Today, at work in a nursing home, I had to kill imaginary dogs in the lunch room, because they were evil and trying to eat everyone. This started with just one person seeing them, to all 30 of them screaming and freaking out. I spent 45 minutes killing imaginary dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 701
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They weren't seeing dogs, they were just bored.

50 points a kill, you'll prestige in no time!


Bigmoneyshotz 0

That what you get for Switching out their meds with tic-tacs!

karen1991 15

I worked at a couple nursing homes...this kinda stuff does happen..

PandaSpots 10

Lol I wish I was there to see that. Did you have fake daggers and swords too?

emoshadow47 9

I dont care who you are... Youre my new roll model, a close second to charlie sheen.

coolbrony12 3

Well it's all part of working with the elderly... Or 3-5 year olds...

You're a good employee! Wish there were more of you - nursing home work is difficult, & you really seem to care about the residents.

That is imaginary animal cruelty and you should be ashamed. The ASPCIA is totally gonna get all up in your shit.

Blooblibloo 4

I think they are meeting with your mind OP.

Lure the dogs into a truck and take them to Fosters.