By justlittleoldme - 25/07/2012 21:05 - United States - Sarona

Today, at work in a nursing home, I had to kill imaginary dogs in the lunch room, because they were evil and trying to eat everyone. This started with just one person seeing them, to all 30 of them screaming and freaking out. I spent 45 minutes killing imaginary dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 701
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They weren't seeing dogs, they were just bored.

50 points a kill, you'll prestige in no time!


cantthinkofshit 5

Lucky! I would of dropped some acid or vaporized some dmt and joined in! Gone chuck- no **** that- RAMBO on those evil dogs, then me and scooby doo would go blaze some dankness haha

I must not only capture and or kill imaginary dogs every day at my job, but cats as well. I definitely feel for you.

That sounds awesome. Better than doing actual work!

robert76 5

You know you just got punk'd by old people, right?

bowser_rawr16 13

One of the best FML's I've read! Seems like you have a entertaining job.

I don't quite get why you say you HAD to. "Got to" might work.

Today, I decided to have a laugh at my seniors home and pretend I saw evil dogs at lunch. The worker then had to run around killing evil dogs as my fellow geezers screamed in terror. -Old Person

dhenri 9

Am I the only one that thinks that would be kind of fun??