By justlittleoldme - 25/07/2012 21:05 - United States - Sarona

Today, at work in a nursing home, I had to kill imaginary dogs in the lunch room, because they were evil and trying to eat everyone. This started with just one person seeing them, to all 30 of them screaming and freaking out. I spent 45 minutes killing imaginary dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 701
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They weren't seeing dogs, they were just bored.

50 points a kill, you'll prestige in no time!


I gotta say that would make any job interesting whether they really were seeing dogs or just bored, I'll tell you right now that doing that probably beats sitting at a desk with your thumb up your ass for 12hrs doing paper work.

NickPaulson 6

I know how you feel. I work in the dementia wing in a nursing home!

Job contract: must be willing to assist elderly in anyway necessary. Previous experiences with monster killings may be an asset.

How the **** do you get CoD out of this? Just cause they have dogs in their games. Maybe the patients watch movies of killer dogs or something I think you're just obsessed with Cod to even bring it up

Old people are awesome...but they probably just got bored and started fucken with you just for some entertainment

skittlesmeep 4

Did you use lasers? Lasers work best with those type of monsters.

Haha. Sounds like something my kids would say.

Today, me and 30 other elderly friends decided to play a prank on our jelper by faking that we were seeing dogs haha what a bitch.