By Anonymous - 01/06/2012 07:02 - United States

Today, Child Protective Services came to my house, because my 7-year-old son told people at school that he was uncomfortable sleeping in his uncle's bed. I had to explain to them that the uncle in question died 2 years ago, and that's why it felt weird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 429
You deserved it 2 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I'm sure it was weird for the first few months as the corpse was rotting, but your kid shoud be OK now that he's just down to a skeleton. Skeletons are cooler than teddy bears.

At least you know he has caring teachers


Honestly, I think the real issue here is that you're having your kid sleep in a dead guy's bed. I think that would make anyone feel weird, never mind a little kid.

xplainphrox 8

Wow! @ all the negative cps comments. I may not like them, but I do know they are doing as law dictates they do. They don't make the laws, government does. I don't like CPS all that much myself, but sheesh !!!!

thatoneguy79 10

At least you can take comfort in the likeliness that the CPS workers walked away from your house thinking, "that's a new one."

thatoneguy79 10

And for those suggesting that OP simply buy her son a new bed, I will be taking your donation. Checks can be made out to Casper's Antiquated Stuff and Help - abbreviated is perfectly fine as well.

wolfy4815 2

people are getting crazy with this shit these days. If a kid goes into a school with a bruise a teacher automatically thinks they're abused. what da hell

Mama_Bear_X2 0

I think people shouldn't jump to conclusions. cps was called on me because I cried when my newborn son had to stay in the nicu and I was discharged. cps said the hospital staff felt I was suffering from postpartum and would hurt my child at home. What was I to do, laugh at his breathing tubes??

That is absolutely terrible! How could they possibly assume such a thing? I mean, if your baby was perfectly healthy and you were going home together and you started bawling, well that's a different story. But in a situation like this? That's just cruel. Even I get choked up when I'm watching baby stories on tv and the baby has complications! That's just CPS being ridiculous and the world being overly careful. Hope your son is doing better now! :)

Meyaa_Duhh 0
Mama_Bear_X2 0

@180. Yes he is thanks. Just turned one and is a happy healthy growing boy. I understand there are alot of bad parents hurting their children. It's on the news everyday. They shouldn't assume every parent is going to hurt their children.

I gotta say I would be unco too, buy that kid a new bed