By heartbroken - 09/09/2013 07:19 - United States - Cupertino

Today, even after loving him unconditionally, my originally 340 pound morbidly obese husband, who within the past two years lost almost 200 pounds, left me because now, he "can do so much better". FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 726
You deserved it 4 532

Same thing different taste


That happened to my uncle with his girlfriend

Sounds like YOU can do so much better. And he's going to have a hard time finding someone who loves his saggy skin. You my dear get all dolled up and hit the town. Your free at last to find someone who will take care of themselves and you.

So sorry that happened to you. What a ******* loser. Keep sending him fatty gifts.

reymon8823 24

Wow that's ****** up.. Alimony? Make sure you take him for every penny

He's the one missing out on an amazing person like you! Meanwhile, I'm single OP ;)

FYL, you wasted your time on him. Wish him luck, cause an ass like him will have a hard time finding a lasting relationship.

Sounds like you deserve better, op!

so.... you supported him....... you helped him...... and....... wow...... I find that very hard to swallow. he cant do better because you were the best thing that ever happened to him. he wont find someone that is that patient and that loving. but, you know what? YOU can do better. you can meet someone tyat will match your passion and unconditional love. I am sorry you had to find out this way, but it's better you find out now than later. it sounds like he used you. I hope it gets better. I hope you find true love. and grab some popcorn. watching his life fall apart, without you, will be on heck of a show. :D

Jared, you asshole! You don't deserve to eat fresh.