By Cossack_Man - 25/08/2009 20:07 - United States

Today, for karaoke, I sang American Woman by Lenny Kravitz. The entire audience cracked up laughing and at least three people pulled out their cell phones to record my performance. At the end, the DJ said, "Looks like someone had too much tonight." I was completely sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 868
You deserved it 11 719

Same thing different taste

Turn around, Bright Eyes

By Alma - 01/10/2024 20:00 - Japan - Osaka

Today, I was at a karaoke bar. After a few drinks, I gave it a go. Halfway through “Total Eclipse of the Heart” I got so into it, I knocked over the mic stand. The mic flew off, hit the DJ, who then hit the emergency stop button, cutting off the music. I froze as the bar erupted into laughter. I did get a free Coke for my “performance,” which was something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 327
You deserved it 186

Top comments

dont are what makes american idol hilarious :)

shiftydude 0

its originally by The Guess Who, not Lenny Kravitz ;)


this is why I listen to heavy metal... nobody else who listens to it gets pissed if I get a song wrong, and, even better, people don't feel the need to do covers, cause it's just lame and unoriginal, cause nobody wants to listen to shit twice

...and you probably think the Trivium or Slipknot you listen to constitutes metal. There are some amazing metal covers out there (and, if you do a cover right you make it more interesting): Nevermore's version of Simon and Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence" Blind Guardian's rendition of "Surfin USA" Dream Theater's covers (available only in bootleg) of the entire albums Master of Puppets and Number of the Beast Apocalyptica's cover of Metallica's "Creeping Death" If I had to guess I'd say you've never heard of any of those four bands...besides maybe Apocalyptica, I heard they got super shitty and poppy in the last couple years.

Dream Theater also does a wicked Queen cover of 3 songs, "Tenement Funster, Flick of the Wrist and Lilly of the Valley" and a great Rainbow cover, the song Stargazer. But anyways, that sucks about the Karaokee bar, maybe you'll think twice next time

lil_cig 0

So are you on YouTube already? I wanna see your performance too :D

Lol ur the drunk dude on youtube singing Lenny Kravitz version of it!

oolookabadbunny 0

Well, I guess everybody on fmylife is a grammar or history teacher. Last time I checked, people spelled shit like ThIs and dis and th1s and so on and so forth. Also, whether he was specific about whether it was Lenny Kravitz or The Guess Who, who gives a flying ****? Quit being a douchebag.

YDI for thinking that song is by douchebag Kravitz. Its a classic by The Guess Who.

Are you by any chance mentally challenged? ; /