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By CityBoysNow - 11/09/2013 00:14 - United States - Lake Saint Louis

Today, I hooked up with the guy I've liked for a while, even though my friends joked that his large pickup truck meant that he was "compensating" for having a small penis. They were right. Very right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 636
You deserved it 13 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So if I get a small car the women will be all over me?

There's a reason why stereotypes exist. And this guy proves that.


There's a reason why stereotypes exist. And this guy proves that.

boston9393 1

so if i liwer my truck will i be hung like a horse?

And I don't have a vehicle at all... Sooo does that mean I don't have a penis at all?

I drive a smart car so I'm obviously under compensating

\ 28

In ShitCal, the size of the car you drive is usually inversely proportional to the size of your ego. That's why WASPs and soccer moms are almost always on edge in the richer areas.

City Boys? pffffttt please. talk about a sissy.

No, that means it's gigantic. OP, you sound very shallow.

Omg... Big dang deal! Brake up with him cuz he doesn't have a big dick!! -___- Talk about being shallow OP. I guess you only want him for sex no relationship. Feels like I'm the only girl who doesn't care about that!!

Well, OP did say hook up. Which usually means just sex in today's society.

I just feel bad for the guy :( People judging him about something he can't help!

It's unfortunate, but people do the same to women and no one makes a fuss. Also, if it causes sexual problems, well... he'll have to compensate elsewhere in that department or get with a girl who doesn't have sex high on her priority list.

I almost voted you up for pointing out that woman are judged like this. Then I saw that you had boobs as a display picture, and the weight of the hypocrisy caved in on top of me :(

I can understand this stereotype in cities like mine, but it pisses me off when people say I'm "compensating." Unlike those rich kids at my school, that have lifted trucks, I actually pull my family's trailers(boat, tractor,etc.) around and I need a truck to get the job done...My point is this stereotype isn't always right.

It's not a stereotype if it's proven true, then it's called stating facts.

drewski50 6

Thank you! Thank you for saying this.

No hypocrisy here. I'm not judging the size of the assets in that picture. Regardless of the filling, the Nintendo bra wins. :D

some people don't have penises. They're called women.

Do you know what inversely proportional means? So the bigger the car the smaller the ego? How is that any different? Also if I'm wrong or I missed something, then my mistake, sorry

So if I get a small car the women will be all over me?

flashback.miss 28

it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean. but how long is 'a while', anyway?

F OPs life? More f that guys life. I say YDI for being shallow. She liked him before banging him so why should his tiny schlong matter

Hieroglyphics? Let me be Pacific I wanna be down in your South Seas But I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means "Small Craft Advisory" ***Had to reply with lyrics. (:

Yes, but do you know how long it would take to get across the ocean in a rowboat?

TheDrifter 23

I always thought of sex like a leaky boat, it'll be hard to keep her afloat if you're using a tiny bucket.

generalasskicker 12

I'm more concerned that the girl is as wide as an ocean 0_0

You ever tried to get to London in a row boat?

cantik20 5

But it's not easy to get to England with a small boat :-(

meggieeee92 15

Well size doesn't always matter. And if you really like him, it shouldn't affect the way you feel about him.

AbstraktThoughts 13

If she genuinely liked him, she never would've hooked up with him. Idk about you guys, but girls that "hook up" with guys like that are a huuuuuuge turn off.

Axel5238 29

Agreed, but also hooked up is very vague. It for some can be making out and she felt it or she slept with him. It used to be hooking up could be everything up until oral sex. Now hooking up can also mean a one night stand. Unfortunately, hooking up is vague and more often than not a lot of people use that as a replacement for one night stand. Unfortunately, a lot of people now in general are having more one night stands, but don't consider or don't care how dangerous that can be.

graceinsheepwear 33

well that sucked. sorry. let me be the first to thumb myself down. I was going for a delete, having misread.

Rosebudx 32

#7- It sounds like you're saying that girls shouldn't have sex with the guys they like, which is really hypocritical and seems to come from the Stone Age of morality.

I agree with 7. Guys that get right to it are a turn off as well.

TheDrifter 23

47, I believe 7 is saying that most humans would start a relationship and share thoughts and emotions with someone they actually cared for before shagging them, not that they shouldn't shag at all. No need to get all defensive.

AbstraktThoughts 13

47: No, please point out to me where I said that girls shouldn't have sex with the guys they like. 77 explained my point in great detail, so thanks 77 :) As for the Stone Age're partially correct. Growing up along with this generation doesn't mean you have to adopt its every trait. Unlike many others my age, I actually care about my sex life and rather not be so lenient when it comes to who I share it with.

The reason one night stands among 20 somethings is becoming more common is that people don't necessarily have time or want to make time for a serious relationship while they are in collage or starting a career. Mostly this mentality is increasing among women because of the increase in women going to collage and getting more high paying jobs. I don't think there is anything wrong with it, people know the risk going into having one night stands and responsible people will be prepared to have safe sex. Sure it can be a turn off if you are interested in a serious relationship, but you shouldn't be critical of those who choose to do that sort of thing.

AbstraktThoughts 13

99: Says the high schooler who works as a janitor for a golf course. Not that anyone cares, but I've been in a happy relationship with my girlfriend since college :) and damn, is the sex good. Lol.

blackbeltpsycho 16

Well it will surely effect a certain feeling for OP.

AbstraktThoughts 13

Time to go buy myself a Mini Cooper! ;)

Tiny Car-huge penis. No car- nothing to prove. Loud Stereo- will make you scream. No Car and perfers you pay for dinner-Massive Penis. Proven.

i got a f250, but i only paid 100 for it, what does that prove? lol

audreyfml1994 15

Small penis and all, you must've liked his personality enough to get to the point of intimacy. If you truly like him, you two can figure out a way to satisfy the both of you over time.

Ahw. But you like him for who he is, right? You could work it out (;

As long as he knows how to use it... Some guys with big penises think that they don't have to make much effort and are therefore bad lays...

Maybe your friends knew beforehand because may have had sex with him.