By slukaa - 13/06/2009 07:10 - United States

Today, for the first time in over a year, my mother actually called me. I excitedly picked up the phone. All I heard was rustling; her purse dialed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 723
You deserved it 3 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know she has your number. Why haven't you called her?


i think my mom calls me way too much, and i still live with her. i don't mind it, bu ti hate phones in general so she calls me maybe thrice a day. but i still think it's sad that your mom never calls you, maybe she's waiting for you? or maybe you didn't want to call her because you assumed there's a reason she didn't want to call you. who knows, still sad though

BigSky 5

If your mother died today, wouldn't you be sorry that you haven't taken the time to call her and patch things up?'s a suggestion. Why don't YOU try calling her first. I second what 24 says.

Hey guys, maybe his/her mom won't pick up the phone? Maybe the OP did something he/she now regrets quite some time ago, and his/her mother is being immature and shunning him/her? If he/she was so excited about his/her mom calling, wouldn't that suggest that his/her mom will not speak to him/her, and that he/she is desperate to hear from his/her mom? Sorry for all the he/she's etc. lol. I felt the need to be grammatically correct this morning.

seriously i find it soooo grosss and definitly YDI for not contacting your own seriously u need a hallmark holiday to remember her??? these are ur parents, they brought life to you...and u will never repay them back with something of the same magnitude so atleast add them to your disgusted by this fml. A YEAR OMG!!!!

#27...she was excited that her mum called....i don't think she forgot her if she was actually happy for her mum to call her. i don't see how this fml could disgust you. lol a bit dramatic

#28....what bothers me is why is there a year gap between phone calls...why would she wait a year before thinking to contacting her...if she misses her mom so much and was excited ...then this fml wouldnt be here...because then they would have been contacting each other earlier.

#3 FYL OP, the phone works both ways. Did you call her for mother's day this year? How about her birthday? You can't complain about never getting called if you don't call either.

Who's to say the OP didn't try calling his/her mother, hmm? I can't believe you all jump to the worst conclusions so quickly. It's unfair. Read #26. I agree with that post.