By DrugsRX - 17/10/2012 22:58 - United States - Winder

Today, for the second day in a row, I was constantly abused, yelled at, insulted, and berated by my wife for "endangering our child's life." I took her to the doctor for a vaccination and flu shot yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 177
You deserved it 3 878

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Bitches be crazy. Seriously. It drives me nuts when parents consider all vaccines to be harmful. There's a reason they need vaccinations to go to school.

If i was married and my wife didn't want her to have vaccinations or flu shot I'd probably ignore her as well. I'd rather my child be safe.


Is that WHY she thinks you're endangering your child or did u forget to fill us in on something else?? Seems like quite the over-reaction...

You're the one who married the dumb broad

Well this depends on how old your child is. They could have administered a flu shot with Thimerosal (a mercury based preservative). If so, and your child is very young, your wife could have a valid argument. Plenty of medicinal ingredients were once thought to be safe and now aren't. I wonder what light mercury poisoning would do to your child in the long run? Most vaccines don't use it unless it's in a multi-dose vial like flu shots are. And if you know the shots didn't have the stuff then your wife can relax.

Yea exactly, sometimes you have to trust your doctor. If a doctor is constantly giving you prescriptions for everything it's suspect. You pay doctor for diagnosis, pharma company pays doctor more to recommend drug, you pay for drugs, you pay doctor even more when you have to go back for all the side effects of said drug. This reminds me of the fml where the guy took a drug for one problem, which gave him another problem, which he took another drug for, which in turn had a side effect that compounded the original problem. Think his doctor cared much? Who wins in that situation?

50, no vaccines have thimerosal in them anymore. That was taken out years ago.

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BusinessTurtle 8

The possibility of side effects are very low and most of them are very minor such as a sore arm or headache. The FML didn't state which vaccines, other than the flu shot, the OP's daughter received and thus some of them could be vital such as polio or measles which can be devastating in children. While OP and his wife should have discussed it, leaving someone because of this and trying to take their child is a horrible over reaction and I hope any judge who has sense or respect for the law would never take away someone's child on that basis.

AmericanRedcoat 6

Actually, there are side effects of vaccines on both the foetus and the mother

True, in some cases, but we're not talking about effects of vaccines on foetuses...

Shadow_Phantom 26

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Where were they proven harmful in most cases? I know of no one personally that ever had a bad reaction to a shot ever besides a couple sore arms, and the ones with sore arms usually never had high pain tolerances anyways.

Could you please cite, which pseudo-scientists have proven vaccines to be so harmful?

I remember you from a previous FML comment saying grades weren't important. If vaccines were so bad for you why would they use them? You clearly have your facts wrong or just made them up. Do some real research.

I've been trying to argue more on the anti-vaccine side (not sayings it's right, just explaining why you might feel that way) and even I know you're an idiot! There have been occasional bad reactions to vaccines but they're one in a million, not 'most cases'.

85-I agree that bad side effects don't occur in most cases. But as for the reason vaccines would still be administered even if they were found to be dangerous: MONEY. That's really all the pharmaceutical companies care about. There are certain vaccines that can have severe side effects (Gardasil, for example) that are still on the market and being pushed.

BusinessTurtle 8

Alright 199, let's roll with your premise that greed would motivate pharmaceutical companies to push ineffective, harmful vaccines on the populace. And heck, let's pretend that the CDC and the FDA(or the equivalent wherever you may live) doesn't test and regulate them and try to eliminate the ineffective. Somewhere along the line, the public would realize "Hey! This doesn't work at all!" This will lead to loss of faith in a company's product, the tarnishing of the company name and reputation and loss of business. Granted companies make mistakes and that's why we have agencies to regulate them and most negative side effects are very very rare. But producing quality vaccines is good for business and the idea that a company would willing produce a poor vaccine is quite absurd.

kittycat2007 18

some vaccines are good. but some are not needed. the flu vaccine has come under fire recently for its safety n effectiveness. big corporation make alot of money by telling you its safe, so do your research first and then decide if its worth the risk. Medical issues should always be a joint decision. Talk it out next time.

Any medical decision that involves a child should be made by both parents, unless it's an emergancy and one needs to act fast. Both of you need to sit down and go through the pros and cons of the flu shot and understand what it actually is. Obviously, you're not on the same page and some agreement needs to be established.

Vaccines like all drugs have to go through a rigorous process to be approved by the FDA and the CDC recommends them. FYL for being married to one of the people who believe they know more than doctors and scientists. It's too bad these people are putting very young children that aren't old enough for these vaccines at risk.

Wow, what a load of.... Either you work for a pharmaceutical company or you just really don't have a clue. Either way i pity you.

Does anyone on here understand what a flu shot is? What are its objectives? What are the contents of the flu shot and how do each of those benefit your health? Then can anyone explain, with logic, why the flu shot should be given to everyone, taking into consideration the questions I asked, how researchers come to predict which virus will be in this season - what is the likelyhood they'll be correct and how many times they've been correct thus far. Take into consideration the number of viruses readily available to cause the flu and their rate of mutation - what are your chances of actually being protected by the flu shot? Oh, and don't forget take into considersation the potential side effects of the flu shot. Then take into consideration the side effects of the flu without the flu shot, ranging from the common signs and symptoms to death and what the likelyhood is of those ranges to occur. It's easy to form a strong opinion for or against something when someone else makes that opinion for you. Do some research and learn to think critically. Please use a legitimate source for your research.