By DrugsRX - 17/10/2012 22:58 - United States - Winder

Today, for the second day in a row, I was constantly abused, yelled at, insulted, and berated by my wife for "endangering our child's life." I took her to the doctor for a vaccination and flu shot yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 177
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bitches be crazy. Seriously. It drives me nuts when parents consider all vaccines to be harmful. There's a reason they need vaccinations to go to school.

If i was married and my wife didn't want her to have vaccinations or flu shot I'd probably ignore her as well. I'd rather my child be safe.


There is so much misinformation in this "conversation" I can hardly stand it. So many people believe that doctors always have their best interest at heart. Do you know how much money doctors and hospitals and big pharm companies make off of vaccines? Did you know that multiple injection vaccinations at one time had NEVER been tested on humans before it was deemed safe for the public? Did you know that the mercury levels in the most current Flu vaccine are higher than even the FDA recommends? Did you know that the rise in Whooping Cough across the nation was CAUSED by a rise in vaccines given? Did you know that 1 in 20 infants have reactions so severe they have to be hospitilized after their first round of "life saving" vaccines. The idea of being able to wipe out these diseases with a simple injection is a great one, but it's not a viable one. Please do a little research before you believe everything your doctor's tell you.

Did you know propaganda in all forms on both sides of the argument will tweak data to promote their arguement, Did you know Smallpox was wiped out due to vacinations. Do you know most reports have been widely discredited.

dellam 3

Psycho mum.... I know the types, I bet she is the type of mum that give bits of apple to kids at carnivals instead of candys

The_F3rris 11

They will kill us off with vaccines. Your wife isnt crazy.

BusinessTurtle 8

Just like they killed off polio and smallpox. Oh measles, my dearest friend, I shall mourn you well. All the children you blinded, all those you killed shall weep bitterly for your passing.

There are pros and cons to vaccinations (and pros and cons to AVOIDING vaccinations) but I think the serious issue here is that something as serious as your child's medical health is not being discussed by both parents.

I can understand her being upset, but throwing a fit was not the way to handle it.

Now I hate some random guy's (or girl's if that's how you swing) wife.

chris20579 1

There's been reports that to much vaccines will screw your childs health in the long run, such as brain problems, rest you can google

Then don't get any shots and tell us your wife's reaction when you tell you your kid can't go to school because she hasn't had her shots. Where I live every year through middle school when I enrolled I had to bring my updated shot record with me. That way the teachers could see that I have had all my shots and allow me to go to school.

Your wife needs to look up about herd immunity. Your child not getting her shots could've been life threatening to a child who DID get their shots but for some reason didn't work. I swear, not vaccinating your child should be considered child endangerment. Not just to *your* child either, but to every child around them.

Tell her to call CPS if she feels you truly did. At least you will have an official record of your wife's stupidity and her inability to care for a child just in case you find yourself needing that sort of information some day.