By ohmygosh - 21/07/2011 23:35 - United States

Today, I accidentally asked a one-armed man which arm he wanted me to take blood from. He asked for a different nurse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 646
You deserved it 48 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

supernerd352 7

he couldve over reacted and pulled a gun. good thing he wasn't armed.

jewknowit710 2

*super facepalm* with hypodermic needle you boob


sandmancometh 3

are you blonduh? just askin....

I'm sorry, but come on? really.. ur an asshole. No offense but, FYL haha

MsMeiriona 2

Hey, if you say the same thing to every single person for your job, it's going to be a habit, and bypass logic as the rehearsed speech comes out on autopilot.

@25 He's 14 with his cell phone number on his profile page (yes I looked) so he has a lot to learn. And nice xkcd pic. Love that one.

yeah I just saw that. wow that is stupid pmsl

did you then turn around and ask the blind man if he saw what just happened?

I'm pretty sure the deaf guy heard everything too. while the happy legless man ran out crying

iLoveBoobies21 0
hall1234 0

how do u hve negitve tjumbs this girl was a idiot

Cheergal910 15

He may have just been kidding? One of my best friend's only has one arm, and he's always joking about it and trying to make people feel bad when they accidentally say something like "So, which hand do you write with?"

juturnaamo 29

hehe that reminds me of the cute guy in munitions. He lost his left arm, and someone said, 'well at least you have your right hand' and he says 'Yeah, but I'm left handed!' (Side note: How does one covertly determine the marital status of a cute guy with no left hand?)

I sure hope he asked for a different nurse, I wouldn't want someone who has your life in their hands that couldn't even notice a very noticeable detail

She didn't have his life in her hands. It was just a blood test.

XxXHaCkErXxX 0

seems like an honest mistake and that he took it too personally. isn't really an FML in my opinion.

XxXHaCkErXxX 0

why was this moderated? it wasn't bad at all.